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Although Morse is no longer a legal requirement, here is a part of what you would know if you did it in your Ham Radio..

A  .-                        J .---                     S ...                 Numbers
B  -...                      K -.-                     T -                 0 -----          8 ---..      
C  -.-.                      L  .-..                    U ..-               1 .----          9 ----.
D -..                        M  --                     V ...-              2 ..---
E  .                          N   -.                    W .--              3  ...--
F  ..-.                       O  ---                    X -..-              4  ...-
G  --.                        P .--.                    Y -.--              5  .....
H  ....                       Q  --.-                   Z  --..             6  -....
I    ..                         R  .-.                                           7 --...
      stops etc
? ..--..                / -..-.                         .  .-.-.-              ,  --..--
-  -....-              =  -...-                       +  .-.-.
        Special Characters
kn -.--.               as  .-...                 ........                  va  ...-.-
(transmit)             (wait)                 (error)                  (end of work)


------- MORSE TEACHING PROGRAM -----------

                      Copyright G0MDO 1991


This  programme teaches Morse Code in simple steps.  It is useful both

for learning Morse and for those who wish to increase their speed.


There  are seven basic lessons,  four lessons each teach  a new  group

of letters from the alphabet.  The fifth lesson teach numbers. A sixth

lesson  allows  practice of  letters and numbers  mixed.   The seventh

lesson teaches punctuation.


Speed  can be selected from 1 to 40 words per minute,  spaces  between

words can be selected and the sound frequency can set.


Additional facilities are provided to send any typed message,  typical

QSO phrases, a 40 word test and a text file from disc.


By connecting a  Morse key  to a Com port the program will decode your

Morse.  There is also a facility for a Paddle key,  either a single or

dual paddle. Iambic keying is provided for the dual paddle.


The program uses the PC speaker or a sound card to produce the tone.

To select the sound card run DMORSE /SC from the prompt. If you have

a Mono monitor run DMORSE /M. From Windows 98 the sound card is not



DMORSE is a MSDOS program but will run fine under Windows.


1. Lessons 1 to 6


1.1 Lesson 1


This teaches letters EHIMOST.


There  are three stages to the lesson. In Stage one the pupil types  a

letter  from  the group and the computer sends that letter.  Once  the

sounds  of the letters are committed to memory then the next stage  of

the lesson is selected.


Stage two, letters are now sent in random order from the group one  at

a time. When the letter is recognised the appropriate key is  pressed,

the  speed  of  sending  therefore  is  dependent  on  the  speed   of

recognition,  typing the wrong key gets a raspberry and the letter  is

sent  again. When you can achieve a reasonable speed then pass  on  to

the next stage.


Stage  three,  twenty groups of random letters will now be  sent.  The

number  of letters in a group is selectable. It is best to start  with

three  and  increase it to five or six as proficiency  increases.  The

spaces  between words should be set to two or three initially to  give

more thinking time and then  reduced to  one  when  ready.     You can

write the groups down as they are sent and compare  your  result  with

those displayed at the end of the test.


1.2 Lesson 2


This lesson teaches letters AUVBDN.


Stages one and two as lesson 1 for this new group of letters.

Stage three sends groups from all letters learned so far.


1.3 Lesson 3


This lesson teaches letters JWCGKP.


Stages as previous lessons.


1.4 Lesson 4


This lesson teaches letters LQRZFXY.


Stages as previous lessons.


1.5 Lesson 5


This lesson teaches numbers 0 to 9.


Stages as previous lessons.


1.6 Lesson 6


This  lesson  practices  the alphabet plus the  numbers  and  is  more

difficult than you would expect but don't despair!.


There  are three stages as before but you will not need stage  one  so

pass it by.


1.7 Lesson 7


This lesson teaches the punctuation codes AR, BT, CT, VA (or SK) and

Full Stop, Comma, Slash (oblique stroke) and Question mark (?).  You

should refer to a Morse Code manual for an explanation of these codes

and  other forms of punctuation.


2. Send a Message.


This  routine allows you to type a message, as many lines as you  like

up to 32000 characters. The message is terminated by pressing ENTER on

a  new  line.  You  can use Full  Stops,  Commas,  Slash, Question mark

(Interrogation)  and  special characters as below.


      =  is BT, the Break signal

      +  is CT, the start of message signal

      @  is AR, the end of message signal

      !  is VA, the end of transmission signal (SK if you prefer)


A  space is inserted between the end of one line and the start of  the

next automatically.



If you wish to leave a message set up for later use, type it,  send it

then  Exit to the menu. To send it again select this option again from

the menu and type ENTER when asked for the text. The message has  been

saved and will be sent again.  The  message is not  saved on exit from



3. Send 40 Word TEST.


This will send 40 random words from the DMORSE.WRD file at your chosen

speed.  The random sequence will, for all intents and purposes,  never

be the same even from one start up to the next.   The test starts with

the CT signal (dah di dah di dah)  and ends with the AR signal (di dah

di dah dit).   You should write the words as they are sent and compare

your results with those displayed at the end of the test.


4. Send Phrases.


This  exercise  sends  typical phrases from a QSO and  will  carry  on

sending until told to stop. The phrases are contained in the DMORSE.PHR

file, you may add to these if you wish.


5. Spaces between Words


This  facility  is to allow a delay to be inserted between  words or



6. Reselect Speed


You may select any speed between 1 and 40 words per minute.


7. Audio Frequency.


Any tone between 50HZ and 32KHZ can be selected.


8. Send a Disc File.


You may send a text file from disc, so various exercises may be set

up in advance.


9. Read Morse.


By connecting a key to Com port 1 or 2 your morse can be decoded and

displayed. Sidetone is provided.


To start send any characters, the receive speed is preset to 12wpm and

the program may require a couple of characters before synchronisation

is achieved. The program can track slow changes of speed.


On completion of sending press ESC, the speed for characters and the

overall word rate is given. The word rate is calculated from the

number of elements in the message and the overall time. The character

rate is calculated from the average dot and dash time.

To quit the test press ESCAPE.


The key must be connected between pins 4 and 5 on a 25 way D connector

or pins 7 and 8 of a 9 way D connector.



CT, AR  and SK (VA if you prefer)  are decoded to the  same characters

as used in the Send Message routine. Punctuation recognised is BT (=),

comma, full stop,  question mark and  slash.

Any unrecognised character is shown as underline. The BT sign selects a

new line. After 24 lines have been completed the decoded message is erased.


10. Iambic Keyer


By connecting a paddle key to ports 1 or 2 you can practice electronic

keyer sending. A single paddle will produce dots or dashes, a dual

paddle will send Iambic.


The connections are:


               9 pin D           25 pin D

Dot Paddle        8                 5

Dash Paddle       6                 6

Common            7                 4


Dot dash speeds are those set from the main menu, decoding is as

for the Read Morse Test.




Word and phrases are contained in the files DMORSE.WRD and DMORSE.PHR

You can add to these with a word processor. The maximum number of words

allowed is  2,000  and the maximum number of phrases is 1,000.

Words in DMORSE.WRD on the same line must be separated by a comma.

Phrases in DMORSE.PHR may contain punctuation marks.


The Morse code is contained in the file DMORSE.CDE. It consists of the

ASCII code in decimal followed by a comma  then the code in full stops

and dashes.  These can be added to or changed.   The maximum number of

elements allowed is 7.   Continental character codes can be added with

this capability. ASCII values 0 to 255 are allowed.


The groups of letters used in lessons 1 to 6 are contained in the file

DMORSE.GRP and you may change these if you wish.   This should only be

done by  an  experienced instructor  who  may  prefer to teach a in an

alternative sequence.  Each  line  constitutes one lesson,  the number

of lines and their content may be changed.  The menu choice and lesson

description is adjusted accordingly.

Continental characters can be added to the groups.

At least one group should contain all the letters and numbers.

The punctuation group may be reduced but only the dash (-) may be added.

The maximum number of groups allowed is 9.


I hope you get some help and enjoyment from this programme. If you are

a learner, I wish you the best of luck. This programme taught me and I

was lucky enough to pass first time.



This program is free and may be copied and passed to friends.


Pass any comments to Don, G0MDO, QTHR. 73

